【サービス】Audio Learning Center (英語学習)
*English follows Japanese.
この度、主に海外の英語学習者向けに Audio Learning Center - for English Learners - のサービス提供を開始いたしました。
Audio Learningとは、音声を聞き取り、その情報を一定期間記憶させ、取り出す学び方です。
このサービスでは、CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)に対応した音声聞き取りと、オプションでディクテーションシートを提供します。
本サービスでは、CEFR A1, A2, B1 に対応した音声問題20話を提供しています。今後その他レベルも追加予定です。なお、本サービスは主に海外向けとしておりますが、日本在住の方でもご利用可能です。
[New Service] Audio Learning Center for English Learning
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new service, Audio Learning Center for English Learners.
Audio Learning involves listening to audio, retaining the information for a certain period, and then recalling it. This method leverages the brain's mechanism, where acquiring information through listening imposes less cognitive load than reading. In today's busy society, learning through listening represents a new, brain-friendly learning method.
Our service offers listening exercises aligned with the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), along with optional dictation sheets. The CEFR is an international standard that allows the measurement of foreign language proficiency across linguistic boundaries and national borders. Well-known English proficiency tests in Japan include the EIKEN Test in Practical English and TOEIC, but the CEFR is primarily used abroad to measure English proficiency.
This service currently provides 20 audio episodes for CEFR levels A1, A2, and B1, with plans to include other levels in the future. While this service is mainly intended for overseas users, it is also available to residents of Japan.
For more details and to purchase, please visit our website.